Founder Suzanna Lee discovered the art of Japanese green tea in the mountains over 20 years ago [w/ then Japanese American beau] and she's been drinking it ever since. A lifetime of global experiences that almost always involved tea, soaking up her knowledge communing in tea houses and a deep affinity felt for this enchanting ancient culture. With Wabi, she takes us on a journey to the verdant elevation of Uji, Japan to reveal the soul and wisdom of green tea culture and along the way, her exploration of tea as a transformative personal practice.


We operate with a commitment to create a healthy ecosystem of business, that considers humanity and adheres to eco-friendly practices across all functions where possible. The partnerships and community we build and foster are aligned upon shared values — relationships we see as an extension of the Wabi family, connecting us locally and globally for the good of the whole.

Wabi Tea is organic all the way. We partner with small-scale, often family run tea farms in Japan dedicated to the farming and producing of extraordinary teas using sustainable, natural and Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) certified organic farming methods and practices. 

Our biophotonic glass jars are completely reusable with our foil refill bags and a mix of labels that are compostable or recyclable. All other packaging for distribution is also biodegradable and recyclable. And our artisanal tea ware products are designed to last.

Tea grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides means healthy soil, healthy plants, ergo healthy people. Stone ground whole green tea leaf (matcha) consumption equates to zero waste. And loose leaf tea goes back into compost and into the ground.

The partnerships and community we build and foster are aligned upon shared values. We endeavour to nurture our relationships with local business and to support the health and wellbeing of our beautiful community of tea enthusiasts by offering pure untainted certified organic green teas.